June 24, 2011 is take your pet to work day and John Bailey Company has decided to participate this year. To promote this fun idea we have decided to share with you our pets:
Buddy, “A Prince among dogs – a sentiment I believe anyone who has ever met him would agree with. I like to think of him as a German Shephard with a bad haircut.” (Anne Bilbrey – Commercial Lines Dept).

Prudence aka the Prudog – 7 months. “She likes chasing sticks, riding in the back of my truck, and drinking spilled Miller Lite.” (Joe Morelock – Commercial Lines Dept)

Maggie, “Trusted and true, always vigilant and yet great with the kids, she’s never met a person she didn’t like, or anyone she wouldn’t beg from.” (Craig Runger – Commercial Lines Dept)

Angel thinks she is Garfield….lazy! “She is about 15 years old.” (Felicia Caldwell – Home and Auto Insurance Dept)

Felicia’s Dog – Winston, he is a good little dog. We rescued him at 4 years old a month after my other dog had passed away; so in a way he rescued me! Winston is now 16, blind and can not hear, but still has some pep in his step!

McKenzie is 7 1/2 years old and she has changed my life in such a great way…I never knew I could love a pet so much. She knows my routine better than I do. (Missy – Home and Auto Insurance Dept)

Murphy, our daughter’s best friend and partner in crime. (Brandon Clarke and Lauren Clarke).