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Home Fire Safety Tips

Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash

During the colder months, your heat may be running more to keep your home warm. There may even been space heaters keeping the spaces where the heat doesn’t seem to reach warm. On top of that, Christmas trees are brightly lit up with all sorts of colors. There are all sorts of fire hazards, so make sure you are following some important home fire safety tips.

Make sure you have a working smoke alarm. These devices do save lives! One of the ways to remember to change out the battery is to change them when daylight savings time comes around. There is a fire safety campaign that states “Change Your Clock Change Your Battery.”

I love this time of year driving at night and looking at the beautiful lit up houses and decorations. Not a lot of people are thinking about electrical fires and how to prevent them. Please, keep this in mind when you are plugging up your lights strung on the Christmas tree. Do not overload any circuits and/or extension cords. If you smell something unusual or see a spark, please unplug immediately!

Those space heaters are great for warming up rooms, but read the manual and pay close attention to the safety precautions. I remember warming my feet closer than the recommended distance when I was younger and after a while my feet were more than toasted. This is a major do not with objects that can catch on fire.

Remember in school having to do fire drills? That’s not a bad idea to practice at home, especially with small children. It is recommended to have a plan of action ready for just in case scenarios. These are just a few safety precautions. Check with your agent about making sure you are doing everything you can to protect your home and belongings.

If you do not have homeowners or renters insurance and something were to happen, your belongings would not be insured and everything would have to be replaced at full cost to you. This includes renting an apartment and having the water sprinklers go off for a fire happening down the hallway. Always check with insurance agents about what is best for you and your needs.

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